Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What about Life? What's yours?

Life is a long process of learning and if you can bother for taking "20mins" of yours right now, I would like to talk about it with you.

Now, First take a deep breath and calm, Clear up whatever on your hand in your brain and simply.... Read gently for your brain to think about it :)

Life are all about learning, Learning to care, to love, to be happy, more so.... To be cared, to be loved, to learn the peace that it exist right now but not the noises around it, sometimes... It's just not about the black words that on the paper it matters but also the emptiness of the white or at the same time the purity of it.

Life are meaningless without mistakes, decision and struggle within it because those at the same time, are experiences... Most time, unique ones... No one do the right thing all the time but don't make it to be a privilege of yours or an excuse for yourself to do wrong things coz to realize and not to commit the same mistakes is the point and eliminating the errors and turn them to the right things again are the key.
Never ever say sorry if you don't mean it By saying it may just make things look better at the moment but sometimes you have to express what you really think, not what others want you to think or what they suppose you to think. as said, the best is yet to come...

When you know there're something that you should do but you don't just because you're afraid that's not the right time even you know it's the right thing or actually just because you're scared. There's actually a word for me to describe those people... "Stupid"... Coz the regret afterwards, the hurts afterwards are just going to make you or the other one feels like crap and you will be just think that I should have done that earlier but the moment had already past and nothing can be undone or... done by you. Do things because you want to... but sometimes what you want to do can be caring someone else so if you do things that you normally don't just never give out false feelings as sometimes some things are just better off being clear... I know you know what I mean if you're reading this as most people just don't wanna lose things in their life that's why they pretend, they hide it but after all things will expose at the end. Don't even ever think of even for just trying to predict how the story will ends in your life coz you are not gonna be able to.

People often told me they are struggle within decision but mostly if you need them to have an immediate decision, they actually do know what they want! People or even you telling people what you're struggling between and why, most of the time... It's just because you wanna assure yourself by someone else mouth that it's a hard decision and it's right to struggle but deep down there, people do know what they want but they are just trying to use this struggle to justify their acts so it doesn't feels strange. 
Though knowing yourself what you want and not living in the mist that you created yourself is pretty important too! If you do all the things that you don't want the most and by doing all of them make you lose the thing that you want the most and your life needed the most, it may just bring you regrets. You may pretend not to see it but you will remember it all your life i promise. 

For me thinking all the things that you have done are not that amazing nor the best part but all the things that you wanted to do if you know How to do it and you're going to but not just saying it. It's way sexier to care and love, to give before it has been asked for. It's way hotter to do things instead of just dream about it.

Thinking how much it's impossible is not smart but realizing what makes you feels like it's impossible and try to make the impossible possible. Even tho sometimes there're something that is really truly impossible as there are things that you can't change but stay strong and be confident because you know what yourself are capable to do but not doubting by things that you're not.
It's better to understand not just the way you want it or like it because there're always reasons for why people say things.

Never just take things in a single perspective for those are what people inputs you in your brain as a single side story is alway dangerous. When we talk about Ethiopia, is it poor. Babies with big stomach and skinny body are what's in your mind? Now it's your turn to know more about it: 

Click Here ----> Chimamanda Adichie, the dnager of a single story

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Chapter 3

Simple and easy, make today of yours better, make others days better.

Love for many people, it’s simple but for many it’s just super complicated…
After all, it’s all about flexibility, it’s all about you knowing what you want, what you need… Feelings catching your right and so… you never know what’s going on coz when you’re in love, you are just so confuse and the most ridiculous thing is, you didn’t know you are! You thought your mind is clear, you are doing what you like to do, what you want to do, you thought your mind can’t be telling you something which is wrong, in fact, you never know what’s going on.

On feelings, the most stupid thing that I ever thought is, you try to stop and avoid yourself getting into anything just because you think it’s dangerous or you think you shouldn’t do it. Machine can make decision, Human can make decision, the only differences between are our love and care with each other. The fact that people care change things.
Do you think you’re too small to change the world? In fact, a by just saying a simple can easily make a day of someone. Isn’t that easy and normal? Just try to do it and see that smile from someone, it may not work in the first time but second or third, you will have it and you may just start to enjoys it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tower made of sand

Tower made of sand, not just a tower on the beach but a real tower.

Monday, October 22, 2012

How you can change people from dislike a thing to like a thing?
How can you do it without letting them experience how good it may be...
You always want to be the best for it

Monday, October 8, 2012

Love - Part 2, Are you letting it go?

Some people think, they don’t love someone anymore, they can’t care about it anymore but until you really leave it, until they thing is not longer yours, you just started to miss it. Sometimes you would have a chance to save it, rescue it back but it’s not always like that.

You knew that thing is not gonna happen between, or you just know it’s not going to now or soon, you thought you let it go and start going around but when you see that person in front of you again, you try to avoid them, you try not to talk to them but when you did or you just see things that you thought is mean nothing to you
You do actually have feelings,
It’s not it mean nothing to you but yourself telling you that it “Shouldn’t” mean something to you, that’s the struggle you have. It’s like a kid having something that mom tell him not to and you have that little fear inside you but also excited. Then when you got figure that you have it and it just taken from you…
… It’s just killing you from inside, that tough feelings like knife cutting, the worse part of it is, it didn’t cut you open from outside but inside. It just tear you off like a worm eating you in there but you can’t do anything with your bare hands.

There’s always a dark side if there’s bright one
After all if you are so dedicated, time may make you a winner for him but also a loser for other things and it is not guarantee that you may have a positive outcome as well, so is it even worth you to do so?
Are you sure about it?
Thanks for telling me that you haven’t been so sure about things in your life but this…(just you will understand lol)
People are always waiting “the one”, sometimes you met “the one” of yours but sadly sometimes, you are just not “the one” for him. People try to let go but after all they just found out no matter how you let it go, it won’t so you better just keep a special place for him deep in your heart. That’s easier perhaps… life still go on and sometimes, that person who had a special place in your heart may just be taken or replaced by someone else, something else till time cross, you meet each other again, feelings burn, situation may just not changing but the feelings are. Sometimes people become best friend, sometimes they become boyfriends, girlfriends, sometimes enemy but no one ever know but it you tries it out, right?

Long distance relationship seems never work, yea it didn’t when you worry about it thinking of how future will be, even sometimes the future thing will help you to have some hope..… but for me, as Albert Einstein said “ I never worry about the future, it come soon enough” “ Thus each person by his fears gives wings to rumor, and, without any real source of apprehension, men fear what they themselves have imagines. – Lucan.

When you kiss, most people always close their eyes ofcoz you will have a little peak sometimes: p but you know, kisses are so nice, is because the best of it is without you watching… coz you imagination make it work even better, the feelings of your lips just telling you how much you want it on you, how much you like that person.
When love comes, you shouldn’t be able to stop it coz the feeling can be just so strong that you can’t even stop thinking of that person, you may tell yourself to back off, you may tell yourself not to miss and start something new but when finally got to meet again, you just can’t help it, you can stop yourself from expressing it but you couldn’t stop what grow inside you.
You can bless him by your skin but not your heart even you say so…  it’s all about timing; don’t waste it, not now, not ever….

I won't give up, i won't.....

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love- Part 1, what is it even?

**Written some time ago but no time to post it always coz it's not yet done but i just decided to have part 1 and 2 so my blog isn't too empty or update too less :p""

Some people say Love is not the most important in relations but sometimes it just helps a lot coz Love can be so STRONG.
You may just change your principal for you one you like and really love. Some people thought they can never deal with someone who smoke but they just suddenly go fine with it coz a human is way more then that, it’s not just a single part.

            Always up to different things and try before you know. It’s stupid to regret for something that you didn’t do when you had a chance to do it.

            No one can ever 100% sure about anything but sometimes you just think this guy/girl is something special… it’s just the beginning of them. Try to know, give out your love and care coz the other will just do the same and you will at least have a good friend coz trust me they can feel it maybe not immediately but they will after some time. Maybe they realize late but have patient till you move on, it’s always nice to have one more friend. Are you going to have? It’s all about your attitude to your friends, no matter is new or old, it’s just matter of time to change that.

            What is even Love?
Is it like the song?

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extra ordinary
E is even more then anyone you adore
Love is all the thing I can give….


If they say why why
Just tell them that’s it’s human nature.
Is it just that simple?

Someone said that the one you love the most doesn’t mean will be with you forever, maybe it’s true but I will It’s true for the time being but trust me at the end you will just found the one if the last one didn’t work, just have the hope and wait coz when u really love is not even about appearance coz i.e for me personalities it’s even way more important, not saying it’s not at all but just the right feelings is the KEY. Coz if you don’t feel good about someone even it’s really hot and good looking, it’s nothing (Exclude you’re just finding an ONS lol)
If you’re really finding the one or a longer relationship, trust me, a good personalities and good feelings bring you way far then the good looking and Hotness… ofcoz it’s cool to have both :p

The way the person are, is more important perhaps….
Personalities win someone as long term but if you don’t have a fine appearance to gain a short term to develop is kind of hard I guess.
For me I usually can’t deal with anyone below 25years old coz I need some people who have a brain and not too childish. Usually above 27 will be fair enough and better :p