Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge, Support Wikipedia

For more than a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia

Call your elected officials.
Tell them you are their constituent, and you oppose SOPA and PIPA.
SOPA and PIPA put the burden on website owners to police user-contributed material and call for the unnecessary blocking of entire sites. Small sites won't have sufficient resources to defend themselves. Big media companies may seek to cut off funding sources for their foreign competitors, even if copyright isn't being infringed. Foreign sites will be blacklisted, which means they won't show up in major search engines. SOPA and PIPA build a framework for future restrictions and suppression.
In a world in which politicians regulate the Internet based on the influence of big money, Wikipedia — and sites like it — cannot survive.
Congress says it's trying to protect the rights of copyright owners, but the "cure" that SOPA and PIPA represent is worse than the disease. SOPA and PIPA are not the answer: they will fatally damage the free and open Internet.
Here is the time America! Tell your government what you want!!
Felixishim.blogspot.com fully support Wikipedia 24hours blackout!...or even longer!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

When you and I are not going through the same thing (1)

The worst thing in love and relationship is you two are Not
having the same feeling as the other

Maybe you will think breaking up is always the most sad thing on earth since you two may never be together but u still in love with him.
Maybe you will think that the single way love is the most sad thing because you can just look at him/her having fun and having relationships with others but never you.
You may think that they both in love but they don't know is the worst...the truth is... the still have the chance..
you will just think when two people fall in love but can't be together because of location or family matters are the saddest thing 
I will tell you that the worst thing in love and relationship are actually you two are not having the same feelings for other.... and this is gonna make you suffer and kill you...drains out your soul... but ofcoz there's another result besides of this... you two gonna be happy and be together for a long long time due to all this things you two have gone through.

so Why this is gonna kill you, you may wanna ask.... WHY
Check here next week and you will have your answers : )

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lack of Security in Love?...are u one of them?

Observe the little things in daily life can always know that someone 
did or din't have the sense of Security for love and relationships

Here are the Symptoms.... Are you one of them?

  1. Do not believe in Love and relationship
  2. Always like to put on something (Jacket, Jumper)
  3. Like curled up and holding legs when sleep at night
  4. Desperate to have care from others and be concerned but not sympathetic
  5. Used to listen music when in the late and lonely nights
  6. Before going to sleep, think things will be more emotionally, and even cry
  7. Pretended to be really happy, forcing yourself to smile in front of others
  8. Easy to get touch by others
  9. Love to express their emotions and mood by words
  10. Always cranky but never think you are.
  11. You might hurt yourselves
  12. Used to use useless help words
  13. Doubt their value of existence 
  14. Love fantasy but very impractical
  15. Afraid of having too much, because you have to worry about losing it
  16. Easy soft-hearted
  17. Love to think about the past and memorial 
  18. Care about the thinking of people around them
  19. You will slow down their steps in the busy streets and feel lonely and helpless
  20. When you wear cloths without pockets, you just don't know where your hands should be...
  21. Hate to speak or just love to speak non-stop
  22. Used to sit at the corner or standing near to the walls
  23. No matter going on train, bus or toilets, you used to have to same place/seat
  24. When you crying alone, u don't like to clean your tears but feel it slip through your face
  25. Very concern what other think
  26. Scared and afraid of Dark
  27. Hiding the truth from your heart to others
  28. Easy to be satisfy but also more easily to get hurt
  29. Looks mahogany, shallow... in fact just to protect yourself
  30. With a good intention but unconscious and secretly comparing

Safe - Britt Nicole

You keep tryin' to get inside my head,
While I keep trying to lose the words you said
Can't you see I'm hangin by a thread,
To my life what I know,
Yeah I'm losing control and

Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
I'm so tired of turning and running away
When love ju-st isn't safe
(you're not safe, mmm-mm)

I'm strong enough, I've always told myself
I never want to need somebody else
But I've already fallen from that hill,
So I'm droppin my guard
Here's your chance at my heart and

Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
I'm so tired of turning and running away
When love ju-st isn't

Everything you want, but it's everything you need
It's not always happy endings,
But it's all the in between
It's taken so long, so long to finally see
That your love is worth the risk

Oh no, my walls are gonna breeeaakk
Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
I'm so tired of turning and running away
When love ju-st isn't safe

Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
So tired of turning and running away
When love just isn't safe

You're not safe
And that's okay

Friday, January 6, 2012

Let's move on to 2012

This blog maybe becoming the only way that i can talk whatever I want to... or maybe not...idrk
Man always love to conclu what they have done in the year when it comes to the end, 
but when u conclu it, u have actually forgot lots of it
so last year, there's an application on Facebook,
rewinding all your status on the previous year!
It is kind of surprise!

Just to look back your message,
Last year you were still texting "I love you" with someone,
There's a big change within this year
so who are u gonna miss at the next new year Eve...
or u gonna have someone besides u that u still haven't meet this year?
a year is a short time, it's just a page in your life
but you in the time
no matter is sweet or pain,
time going by second and seconds
so a year can also be such a long time

How many years you have in your life?
once it has limit, you know that you can't have everything,
just when u know there're only about sixty thousands meals in your life,
you will not wanna waste it on an instant noodle
u always thinks that life is long
so u will have thoughts and don't wanna affect the life later on
all the time, I think I am too nervous
and i will always try my best to see someone,
to talk with someone
and i think, am I too aggressive, is it right? 
Last year, I found out that
I always think, if I don't do it now,
don't do it today, you may have the chance to do it again
maybe is not the right time anymore:
just like when u wanna comfort a friend
and if he recovers at the other day,
and u go to comfort him, aren't he gonna face that unhappy again?
even if u said it, he can't feel your care anymore.

What u wanna today, do it
and u afraid you didn't have the chance again,
that is the "Doomsday Syndrome"
although sometimes you just feel like you're being push by yourself
but when u look back, why not?
at least u didn't have the regret: Why I didn't do that?
Live with No Excuses, Love with no Regrets.

This year I have been not being honest, not speaking to you direct
someday when we were just talking
I have written on Facebook that I have never regret before
and I think he saw it
because for me,
the only regret is now.
This is the year of lost,
it is u, the only thing i have regret and lost

From the time I lost it last year,
whoever is it, when I feel the same again,
I just catching every single moment tight.
coz only that would make the way I have go through be meaningful,
and make the mistake I have taken be worthy
because of the me in 2010
make the me in 2011
and because of ant. in 2011
got the me in the brand new me in 2012
aren't u the same?
now I don't fucking care anymore....
not saying this from my heart maybe,
but at least I have others to distract me and I start to relax...
I told myself, he is just another jerk/asshole so chill...
I would still love to meet up but before that he has to go for a check
and yea actually I still care about him... just too much
coz I wanna Love with No Regrets~

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Complete of soul or empty?

In the seven days God creation, God get a rib from man and made woman,
and said all the man and woman are finding the other half of them which has lost.
When u found it, life will change and become complete.

if we break apart from the compete, you will be go on alone by your own,
your soul will be empty or get crush.
The feelings of empty and crush have surrounded me by all the movies recently...
and also some of the things happened recently.

like the movie from the lucky special meet up by the characters,

then they broke up with each others.. makes them wanna die from the lonely... 

and seems lonely will dry up life and makes everyday without colours like a black & white movie.
They stop to have feelings about what's happen besides them, 

sitting in a castle looking the changes from the windows, 

months and months go on but their heart never change,

 they can't feel the joy, the happiness and sadness... or even the temperature outside...
How much love u need to offer to make your soul feel empty when u broke up?
How much miss u need then you will feel your soul being tear apart?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Have been to Places
