Showing posts with label lives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lives. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today is National HIV Testing Day, time to get test? Where?

Today is National HIV Testing Day.
So no more excuses, no more procrastinating,
no more "waiting for the right time."
Stop by your local #HIV testing center today, and if you can't find time for that,
stop by the 24 hour pharmacy and pick up an Oraquick at-home testing kit.
You need to know your status. So you can be healthy.
And the only way for you to find out, is to JUST DO IT.
 Don't know where to go? Click HERE for information and test locations :)
YOU should get tested every 3-6 months accordingly with your risk
Counselor usually can help you out and let you know
 There isn't a better time then Now.
Find the right place for you, Places like Gaycity in Seattle
provides anonymous test that even you are HIV+,
they will NOT and they won't be able to report
your name to the government Officials!
Now is the time to get tested :) Protects you and your partner.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Better off having more choice? the Secret of Happiness

the number of choices had increased then 20, 15, 10 even 5 years ago,
but are they truly making our lives better and making you happier?

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the True ways to be Happy perhaps is to have lower expectations- Barry Schwartz