Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Free I < 3 Equality Sticker and Movie WWZ Gifts

After chances of

Free Flights
Free Miles
Free Frequent Flyer card, what else?

Do you want an I < 3 Equality sticker, for FREE?

CLICK HERE! to register for a free sticker before it runs out :)

Like my Facebook page Here for updates and more Free stuff :)

What about World War Z?

so it's easy, Click HERE
Use your Facebook and leave a comment,
then you are automatically entitle a chance for lucky draw :)

Have Fun, Enjoy and Good Luck! and~~

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Me and Facebook? I am tired, truly am...

so I decided to temporary deactivate my Facebook, so what now?

nothing much I suppose, I just feels like not really myself I suppose.
Someone actually thought that I probably going out too much or what-so-ever but in fact I am not doing anything and that maybe one of the reason that I felt bad? I am not even sure... but who can say for sure right? especially even I couldn't when I am the person who experiencing all these...

If you are here reading, I ensure you are one of my friend that give a fuck and care, I wonder how many people will even know that I have deactivate or basically not using my Facebook now.... I don't know I just decided not to Login till July 3rd.
If you going to ask me right or not? I am just going to ask you, who to judge?...

I am tired, truly am... What my life has left for me? I am existing I know but at the same time I don't... I know I love a lot of people, truly loves them, care about them, so what? does it matter? Human has this complex system, they just tend to not care about things that are there for them instead, they tend to go for something that they can't get. I suppose we all like achievements?

I ask myself, what I been doing? cause after all seems like what I only do is trying to make others happy or the majority of people at least.
I guess after all, what we all need, may be just as simple as a hug, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Some people asked me WHY I don't want Facebook for some times because I doubt actually anyone would care or even notice to be honest...
I rather be bored, doing nothing, rather then getting any attention on that place.... that place that everyone seems to care about you but they aren't really. the place that everyone seems to be there for you but ain't as well...

When I said "be friends", I guess I am nothing more but mean it, it's that easy, that's it and if you take it, I will simply love and care about you but if you ain't in the picture then just don't bother cause if you don't give a fuck, why should I?


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Movie - The Crazies

In the middle of the night, being bored alone, watching Fox Movie Premium on my cable tv... it's a movie about disease and people sort of zombies but after all it's just all about trust.

it starts with a nice small little town, one day a plane crash and it contain a original virus which is going to be disposal and vanish in Texas but the plane just crash there and the virus start to spread. you know they just spread spread spread..... something normal about movies going...
There're people who dump their wife and children so they thought they can survive following the instructions of the government, some just can't ditch their families behind and got back for them and save them. for all the love and god sake, the couple get away from the disaster and the brutal killing of government, of cause it's all just movie and stories

but the very true thing is... all are just about trust of friends, lover, everyone...
someone told me you know some of the societies or circle, they just don't have trust, nothing is honest, maybe that's the way it works but that still doesn't mean you shouldn't give on and give a try for that. For god sake some lies are just for goods, you won't be happy about knowing the truth anyway, as long as it's not hiding from you forever or just something make you lost something, just go for it and forgive it... ofcoz cheating is not something which make you have no lost... unless it's an open relationship and i mean... if it's open, hmmmm you have expected that i suppose.

Currently something; is going on with my life besides of I am going to Seattle, if you are my real friend, you would have know it or if you had ever really notice my Facebook, you may have. Nothing really certain for now maybe but I trust and I still have a little faith that this may can work.... I am just gonna tell myself, this will work, this is working, it will be done!... I am going for it.. doing all these for you, are you gonna do the same?

Love you all,
