Showing posts with label Why. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Relationships: When what you see isn't what you get

some people think that you aren't compatible to be with because you can't have a good conversation between or the conversations doesn't flow between you two but what they don't know is the fact that they have taken your breath away, they have spin your mind at first and that you just could not have said anything or did not know what to say at ALL and only thing u can do is 'silly' laughing... until you finally make up your mind and start getting back on track.

One thing I do believe is that I think people met for a reason, it's either a blessing or a lesson or both. Are you one of the positives or one of the experiences? It has nothing to deal with did thing worked out between two of you or not, it does not matter even, after all, it wasn't a match between, it can still be a blessing because I believe loves never dies and live within, it transforms maybe, or like energy, it is merely there. Be happy for the right experiences, it is truly remarkable how we do not see what we have and learn something from the bad experiences. I believe all things are good though you can make it better. It is always helpful to put your smiles on if you want someone to smiles or you want to be happy yourself because your emotions do spread, it is like a virus, and it has to be a good virus if that's what it is :)

When you meet someone more serious, then you do in life and relationship, and when they are actually telling you and acting and being more then you do, you probably get scared at first but slow down your mind a little, isn't that what you wanted all these time after all?

People often have different approaches to things, and is it good or bad that people have differences? Is that a bad thing if someone changes for another person? Is it considered too big of a sacrifice if someone wants to change at the very beginning of getting to know someone?

Most people wanted to have full control of their life, but apparently we don't but we always wanted to hold on to that little control we have in this world at least, and we do not want to leave any of the little freedom we have at all as well, and that is why people don't like to be in a committed relationship. Because when we do get into a relationship, you have to share that little control you have in your life, you have to even share a part of the little freedom that you have, and that's what makes it scary, and people often wanted to be casual because we always wanted to be in full control.

For me, I think that if someone is changing for you or even only having thought of that, they only did that because they believe it's worthwhile. The only did that because they think you worth your time to do so, and is that a good or bad thing if this is happening at the very beginning of a relationship? Not talking about serious relationships of any kind but only as of date or as part of knowing each other, is that good or bad? If I really have to answer that, I can only say I will be way more interested in a person who can take a leap of faith, a person who can trust and a person who loves rather then only the physical interaction you can have. I am not saying they aren't essential or delightful, but that's what truly makes a relationship beautiful and lasts long.

Don't be scared of people who share a lot to you because it is those who don't share, you should be aware and worry of. I am a very patient person, and I give a lot of second chances because I think it is imperative to forgive and to give chances for change, chances to know, chances to understand each other and you need to spend time on one thing before you can know does the person really worthwhile.

Don't ask why NOT?

My friend Francis once said: "when you're gay and find a man who's faithful to you, but that shit on lock, because faithful gay men are a dying species." I am trying to hold on the faithful endangered species that I found, but not lock :p lol though, are you holding on to your chances?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Me and Facebook? I am tired, truly am...

so I decided to temporary deactivate my Facebook, so what now?

nothing much I suppose, I just feels like not really myself I suppose.
Someone actually thought that I probably going out too much or what-so-ever but in fact I am not doing anything and that maybe one of the reason that I felt bad? I am not even sure... but who can say for sure right? especially even I couldn't when I am the person who experiencing all these...

If you are here reading, I ensure you are one of my friend that give a fuck and care, I wonder how many people will even know that I have deactivate or basically not using my Facebook now.... I don't know I just decided not to Login till July 3rd.
If you going to ask me right or not? I am just going to ask you, who to judge?...

I am tired, truly am... What my life has left for me? I am existing I know but at the same time I don't... I know I love a lot of people, truly loves them, care about them, so what? does it matter? Human has this complex system, they just tend to not care about things that are there for them instead, they tend to go for something that they can't get. I suppose we all like achievements?

I ask myself, what I been doing? cause after all seems like what I only do is trying to make others happy or the majority of people at least.
I guess after all, what we all need, may be just as simple as a hug, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Some people asked me WHY I don't want Facebook for some times because I doubt actually anyone would care or even notice to be honest...
I rather be bored, doing nothing, rather then getting any attention on that place.... that place that everyone seems to care about you but they aren't really. the place that everyone seems to be there for you but ain't as well...

When I said "be friends", I guess I am nothing more but mean it, it's that easy, that's it and if you take it, I will simply love and care about you but if you ain't in the picture then just don't bother cause if you don't give a fuck, why should I?


Monday, May 20, 2013

What about low information voter? What about Christian standings with politics and Life?

When I first arrived in US, the presidential is the hottest thing and televisions shows or so always talk about "Low information voter" but in the modern world we lives in, is there really any chance of low information?

1st, I lives in Seattle, Washington, a pretty much Blue State and Blue County and area I lives in but still I meet up and talk to some Republican by time to time and not being offensive or whatever, I always loved to listen and understand why would that vote Romney or Republican, by curiosity you can say? Ummmm the reason I am asking of cause at some point I think it's non sense but I do want to understand their point of view and how they get that

I figured that they aren't low information at all, they have rich information from one party and they don't think and process it, that's it. So no matter what the other attack them of, they just take it all and not think about it actually it's right or wrong. Especially when they are "Christian" it just not understandable of what they are doing. The most thing about this is they are mostly so confident about it and Never question them. They don't think about WHY they think that way, HOW they start to think that way. They just simply don't question them, they try to accept whatever it's supporting them but not anything else. When they read about other stuff, they don't try to process them and try to research and figure out it's right or wrong, this of cause can be apply to Democrats and Republicans but most likely as I read and know, Republicans lies more as there is nothing in their favor if they speaks the truth? Ok, let's not get into that right now before them stop reading.

Let's talk about the first policy, Obama Care. There is usually one argument is that people should work for their own healthcare, that's why Obama Care is wrong! We shouldn't pay for them cause they don't work!
Ok, I get it, if they don't work they shouldn't get it but what about those who can't find a job even they tried their best? What about those who work but still can't afford just because healthcare in US is way too expensive? US healthcare is nothing much but a legal mafia to me, it's a crime they charge that much! Is it the problem of a doctor? Not necessarily but the system itself? More likely it is.
I went to Germany this spring, I don't have insurance there, even I can Claim it when I get back here in the US with my student insurance, what they charged me for a doctor visit is 25 EUR when the exact same thing in US easily cost 200USD. Is it fair? Why?

When a person who have Aids and HIV in US needed to pay 2500USD a month for their medication and it's free in Germany and UK and way cheaper in other countries, is it right to do so? It's simply a crime! and Obama care is to solve people who can't afford in this kind of system.
Someone told me, people when they retire they should have 401(k) you know retire plan or so, they should be able to afford it but then what about people who didn't work in a company? What about people who self-employed as a farmer? Taxi Driver? how much 401(k) they could have earned? and if you think that is wrong to take care of those people.

DON'T BE A CHRISTIAN. Red Cross and many of the Charity comes out and help, goes to Africa and give Vaccines it's because that's what a christian do! You can tell me they should get it because health doesn't mean much to them but honestly if you don't even have money to eat, in anywhere, health means nothing to those people as well!
Charity go out and help people who are in need, they help no matter what cost that at the end. What they know is they need help and they should help at least for the basics. I am not trying to give them premiums but basics to survive. Many people tried their best to live, to try to just survive in this place and in what sense you think you are way more premium then them? If you ready to love as a christian, doesn't need much, go give some Hugs!

More and more policies and that's what you should agree as a Christian.
another important issues about Obama supporting gay marriage. In my point of view, as a Catholic, do I support gay marriage? I think the government create another title which can have the exact same benefits, it will have no problem. i.e same-sex union or what-so-ever BUT the key point is they MUST have the EXACT same benefits which is not quiet practical in US right now as there are Thousands of laws that they needed to change so for convenience, that's the way to do so and I don't object it but if they can do it that way it's more favorable. after all "Marriage" this concept with GOD is not always there in the history as well. I can say it's being invented? It is not I don't believe God approves and witness the marriage within the church but if the rest isn't trying to get "Marriage" in the church but just to be in this "status", to have that commitment, to be protected under the law, LOVE is the greatest things of ALL right? We shouldn't have stop that.
if LOVE for you as the bible it said, is the greatest of ALL, when god love prostitute too, when god love those people who are sick and got abandon, it's the people who abandon them are wrong, not the rest.

In the name of the Almighty love of God,
It's time to have equality within us,
It's time for us to love, to share, to care each other no matter..

Friday, January 6, 2012

Let's move on to 2012

This blog maybe becoming the only way that i can talk whatever I want to... or maybe not...idrk
Man always love to conclu what they have done in the year when it comes to the end, 
but when u conclu it, u have actually forgot lots of it
so last year, there's an application on Facebook,
rewinding all your status on the previous year!
It is kind of surprise!

Just to look back your message,
Last year you were still texting "I love you" with someone,
There's a big change within this year
so who are u gonna miss at the next new year Eve...
or u gonna have someone besides u that u still haven't meet this year?
a year is a short time, it's just a page in your life
but you in the time
no matter is sweet or pain,
time going by second and seconds
so a year can also be such a long time

How many years you have in your life?
once it has limit, you know that you can't have everything,
just when u know there're only about sixty thousands meals in your life,
you will not wanna waste it on an instant noodle
u always thinks that life is long
so u will have thoughts and don't wanna affect the life later on
all the time, I think I am too nervous
and i will always try my best to see someone,
to talk with someone
and i think, am I too aggressive, is it right? 
Last year, I found out that
I always think, if I don't do it now,
don't do it today, you may have the chance to do it again
maybe is not the right time anymore:
just like when u wanna comfort a friend
and if he recovers at the other day,
and u go to comfort him, aren't he gonna face that unhappy again?
even if u said it, he can't feel your care anymore.

What u wanna today, do it
and u afraid you didn't have the chance again,
that is the "Doomsday Syndrome"
although sometimes you just feel like you're being push by yourself
but when u look back, why not?
at least u didn't have the regret: Why I didn't do that?
Live with No Excuses, Love with no Regrets.

This year I have been not being honest, not speaking to you direct
someday when we were just talking
I have written on Facebook that I have never regret before
and I think he saw it
because for me,
the only regret is now.
This is the year of lost,
it is u, the only thing i have regret and lost

From the time I lost it last year,
whoever is it, when I feel the same again,
I just catching every single moment tight.
coz only that would make the way I have go through be meaningful,
and make the mistake I have taken be worthy
because of the me in 2010
make the me in 2011
and because of ant. in 2011
got the me in the brand new me in 2012
aren't u the same?
now I don't fucking care anymore....
not saying this from my heart maybe,
but at least I have others to distract me and I start to relax...
I told myself, he is just another jerk/asshole so chill...
I would still love to meet up but before that he has to go for a check
and yea actually I still care about him... just too much
coz I wanna Love with No Regrets~

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What is Eternal?

I went to two photo competition recently... 
one is Cathay Pacific Connecting your world competition 
and the other one is International Students Visual Art Contest of Hong Kong
and lucky... got prizes for both competition...
a Certificate from International Students Visual Art Contest of Hong Kong
and two return Regional ticket from Hong Kong...(South_East Asia)
The bad thing is... they can't bring me to Rome or L.A. lol

so the Theme of the International Student Visual Art Contest of Hong Kong 2011 is
"Capture Eternity"
and this bring me think lot... so What is Eternal...
the photo which get this price is posted on this blog previously in the post of my Australia Trip
If you wanted to see it. Click HERE!

so What is Eternal to you?

Well in my point of view, Eternal is nothing that man could explore so...
 how can we take a photo of that cause....
Only God who is not limited by Time and Space so he could truly have eternal.

I try to imagine what is eternal with my limited knowledge and sense.
For me, nothing is eternal in the world, so how can we describe eternal?

Let's Imagine eternal is builded up by many many single strings...
They are parallel but they are not the same.
If you look into it, they have their own pattern, some of them... they don't looks like relavant,
similar or even it is independent with each other....
most of them are so weak and actually while on of it vibrates...
the other will just vibrate with it... The only different is the size of vibration.
Patter and law are exist everywhere in the nature, in the world, in every creature!
Nature, Earth, the Universe...and of cause all of us... are actually affected by this pattern, this invisible law! Could man change or have any amendment on this pattern?
or it just limit and control man FOREVER?
Just like virus get into animal and things in nature change....
man make Global Warming... and the WHOLE nature change....

so What do you think about Eternal? send me emails or post on my Facebook fan page or even twitter me!!... You can find all the stuff on the bar up there!!
Can't wait to hear from you!!
and one more thing.... can anyone suggest where to go in East_Asia 
with Cathay Pacific or Dragon Air!
give me some information... Please!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mid-Autumn Festival

Should be World Youth Day Post for the coming month but a little interrupt by Mid-Autumn Festival~

Mid-Autumn Festival is an East-Asia traditional festival, it started in China at 15 August
(Lunar Calendar, also known as traditional Chinese Calendar)

According to the China Lunar Calendar, August is the second month of Autumn, so that's why the festival has named Mid-Autumn Festival. but it's also known as Qiu XiBa Yuejie, August half month evening, May Day.
and because at the Mid-Autumn Festival the moon is full, it is a symbol of reunion, it also called the festival of reunion (Tuan Yuanjie)
Funny Fact: By the impact of Chinese Culture, 
Mid-Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival of Japan, Vietnam,  North and South Korea...
When it start?
Mid-Autumn Festival are first recored at about Chow Dynasty to Warring State Period in China which is about at the year B.C.1100-771 but it did not said which day in August it is.
Although people celebrate and get together for a very long time 
and it became a fixed festival at Dong Dynasty (A.D. 618-907)

There are many variants and adaptations of the legend of Chang'e that frequently contradict each other. However, most versions of the legend involve some variation of the following elements: Houyi, the Archer, an emperor, either benevolent or malevolent, and an elixir of life

Back to Modern, The next day of Mid-Autumn Festival is a public Holiday of Hong Kong and Macau. In Taiwan Mid-Autumn Festival is a Holiday but if it overlap with Saturday or Sunday, it's not another holiday. 
but if the weekly rest day holidays were only separated by one, the day is a holiday tune, and choose another Saturday to make up classes.
Start from 2008, Mid-Autumn Festival is a Statutory holidays in Mainland China.
and there're three day of holiday in Korea.

If you want to know more about the story, you may go to this website