Showing posts with label Sydney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sydney. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day17 - End of Trip


What day 17 means? ... It means I am leaving Australia.

What start to day?... I woke up at 7 and I lie on my bed… go on YouTube and watch the videos which I left last night. When it’s 8, I took a shower and start to pack up my stuff, then is time to start the journey of my Last day in Sydney.

Old tag has  been removed, the new tag is going to put on

First station. Church. Just go on a Sunday Mass, a bit late but still not yet to the mercy thing. During the mass, I do look all around and find a guy who I met two weeks ago in the church, but just did not get him.  It’s a sad thing for me… it’s the last day in Sydney and the bad luck is still with me. Whatever it was, it has pass… hope I will meet him next time on my trip to Sydney…. But………I just know he called “Luka”…nothing more… that’s sad. Maybe Jarryl could find him for me…No idea…

Then, went back home get all the stuff into the car… all the way to city, to Stacy home. It’s her birthday party!! We go on and have food, watch the boxing game together. See? Even the kid want to play with us!!

Did take few hours there, then we went to Bondi at 1530. It’s not too far from her home to Bondi. It takes about 20mins drive in Sydney… cause there’s traffic.

Bondi is really a nice and beautiful beach. It’s long and smooth sand; big waves which make many surfer love this place. I have attracted by this beach. Maybe it’s because I go there late, the “Bondi Rescue” has already off patrol, not really much people but some of the surfer. It’s really a nice place. The water is clear and the wind do make comfortable. Although the sun is going to set but it still shine on me, it warms me.

After the beach walk at Bondi… I went to the shop “Between the Flags” which is selling “Bondi” brand stuff. Got two shirt, one for Angus, one for my teacher, but both of them are medium, so I dun think my teacher could wear it so I just take it!! LoL
I do buy one more T. for my cousin too. I think she will like it… cause its beach.

There’s a girl which work at that shop, actually there’s just one staff… She is a Italian, we do talk for a while, when I am going to pay at the counter. She even forgot to tell me the price of all item. As always… I got infinity topic all the time with Most of the people. I have take a photo with her, she is really nice, cause I dun know the size of my cousin, I afraid that she might not fit that shirt and she said if I got any problems or want to change another size, I could send a email and notice them, and mail the Tee back so that they could mail the correct size.

Then it’s time to the airport. Mr. Fernandez is here. Thanks all of you. Although there’s a little problem during the check in…. like my luggage is too heavy. The permitted weight is 23kg. And mine is 27.x kg. So it is not qualified. The lady at the self-check in drop off counter told me to take off few things out then I took out the magazine, the shoes, my brasar and one of the jacket. Then it ran down to 23.4kg I think. Then I put on my shoes on top my luggage, and it showed 24.6 kg… I couldn’t imagine that my shoe is 1kg heavy. So I asked her: could I put on 1kg more? Cause my hand carry is too big and I dun want to bring my black shoe. And she said: Yes, 1kg more only. Then I put my shoe in there, bring the luggage back to the counter, it is 24.5kg… and I’m like… Thank God! She said: ok [here you go.

Then I got the brooding pass and walk to the departure gate. Say goodbye to everyone, say goodbye to this lovely city. Sydney.

Get into the custom, when I am writing the form which given by the Australia IMMI, I meet a woman who came from Korea, she do not know much English, so I taught her and help her sons to fill up the form

The kid are Siuwo and......

Then I took her to the gate, cause our gate is just next to like my gate is at 32, and her was 31… My plane leave 5mins before hers, and while her line is almost end, I say goodbye to her and walk to my gate, and I just find out that, there’s only 3 passenger not yet go on board. 1 Economic and 2 Business class passengers.
That’s Cathay. They work really fast… so I just ran to get on board …

Do not really know what’s going on. Cause Cathay has changed my seat again… and it’s a window seat AGAIN!!!... I hate window seat, especially Long Haul Flight. There’s a man sit next to me, the first sentence I say to him is :Do you want to have the window seat?...He says… No… I prefer an a seat the corridor… after take off.. I am not really comfortable with my seat, so I walk to the back to the Galley, and talk with the staff, I told her I want another seat which located at the corridor... but seem the plane is full, they said there's no spare seat. Although there are no spare seat but the Flight Attendant still help me to ask the IM of the plane, so that I might have a seat on the cabin crew rest area.
Thanks a lot!!! also her =.=...someone who asked for appreciate order to give thanks to them... I have wrote a comment letter. got it for two pages long...
I type in on computer to check out wrong words and grammar mistakes first, then I wrote it on.

My flight (CX138) arrived at 0529 just take a few steps to the immigration counter,
go on e-way. I am the very last customer came out from the flight, cause I need to pack up my stuff.
when I arrived the bag collecting,

it is just 0543 

very soon my luggage came out grab all the stuff went out to the arrival hall,

OMG... it is just 0548... That's Cathay, That's Hong Kong.

It's always that quick and convenience. Going out to the arrival hall, got no sign of my parent's,
... dun really know they are coming to pick me up or not...and my phone has broken...
so I couldn't reach them...
Suddenly spot that the Flight Attendant has just came out to the arrival hall...
I ask for their help, to let me make a call!! Thanks a lot!!
Maybe that's Hong Kong... We are always that helpful!

***P.s. if the Flight Attendant really do come on my site, please press "Like" at the side bar in order to let me know is there any mutual friends between us!!!.
For the Korean Family and the good Italian sales, if you really do come, please leave me a comment and let me know you are here. Thnks***

but I will still keep on updating! If you like my blog, simply press "Like" at the side bar with your Facebook account. Thanks!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day15...The last day of school

Clock running fast... soon to be my last day of school in Redfield

so what before lesson?... a great work ship in Religion lesson

and he is my favorite teacher....he teaches Commerce...
but he did not show up on his Commerce lesson..
just saw him at the morning..Religion

as the LAST day start, the photos start:
1st bring you here is Robert.

Coming up is John Paul...ya.. I do call him to go to mass...
but he did not... whatever.. he is John Paul

Then is... Santiago...Chili?... ~~

next bring up to you is David... one of the member of "Luciddreaming Band"
which I have mentioned before!

then we have a meal with a Teacher, which is the Band Master...
got a McDonald meal...

so my lunch box goes to Peter...
Dun waste Food!!!
but he always think himself is awesome... that's the worst thing ever

next... Healey... he is an irish...
and he is cute... I always called him "The Irish"...
He is awesome... one of the member of the band too

comes again... David...gonna introduce all the member in the band to you
...him... in his school diary...which the day he did not have a Late Chop...
he is Absent!!!

then bring you Daniel Palmer... member of the band too...
he is awesome, he is asian...(Half)

what next....Rez...
the one thing I remember is.... he forgot to go to detention class on Thursday...
so he need to pick up Trash for 5 schooldays....
so remember to go next time... or simply dun get a detention

next...Anton... but he asked me to call him Raphael...
that's cool...

then is Mason, James and Nick

Oops.... This is Jason... he dun really want to have photos...
but he still have it Thanks... although you did not have a Facebook, but I will e-mail
my link of Blog to u!!! 

the one on the left is Andrew!!! His carrear is to be a Scientist!!!
Hope he will!!...and the guy at the right??
I dun know him!!! LoL

one of the "Black guy" in Redfield... but he do make me impress~
He is Aaron~

Here you are Chris... he is one of the member of the band
but he dun really want to have photos...
although I got it... but just dun put his face on here~!

Here's nick...he plays Rugby...
you could really see that...It's Mad

bring you Justin again... Justin what?
yep got it... Justin Habib... nice name

the one on the right is Edwin...
a Hong Kong boy with poor English

this is the Wilks... he and his brother are studying in Redfield...
he is on Year8 and his brother on Year11
actually wanna have sign and pic with his bro. too
but he is on excursion.... maybe "next time".. who knows when will it be!

you heard me the sign.. isn't it...
so what's it??... These are the signs...from all of you...maybe some of you did not have it...
but still in my heart... it will washed out sometime... but photos won't...
memories don't... hope to meet all of you guys soon... I must miss YOU!!!!

these are the sign... really love you all...
what end the day??... Friday badminton play...but again.. I have brought the camera without a memory card...
OMG!!!! twice... meet Ben this time... he is a nice Aussie... 
and I just like the way Aussie speak... it's awesome!!...
He said" You smile when I talk.. you like my voice don't you, you like the way I speak don't you?"
seriously....Yes, I do... you are Aussie!!!
The piece of music played is "Fireworks" by Katy Perry...

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