Showing posts with label Eastwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eastwood. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It’s a pretty good day!!
Today I’m going to Eastwood to meet Suzanna and we have Skype yesterday night and meet today at 1240.
My host dad have drive me to Eastwood… that is really great like is 25mins drive to. It makes more time for me and also have no need to take trains at Parramatta and have interchange… We leave home at 1150 and we arrive at 1215… It’s bit early than the time we make… but I do have a call to her to let her know~

So she came at 1235…. It’s 5mins early… but she says she is rushing to and changing fast…. Couldn’t imagine that how would that be if I did not came early and she did not rush~~
After I met her we have lunch in a Korean restaurant

… It really makes me full… we couldn’t finish all of it ~~ but still thank you to Suzanna cause she buy me a lunch!! : ]

a bit guilty for me like buying me a meal,  so I buy a drink for her afterwards… It makes me feel better
LoL… Then, she shows me around Eastwood. Then I take trains at Eastwood station on 1545 (an express train to Central, just one station between… Strathfield),,, so I could arrive Central at 1610… then I have go on tram… u won’t know what happened… I have a free ride on tram!!...

This is the girl who sells ticket and there’s also a man…
When I am on board, the man has come over and I told him I am going to Paddy’s market, then I take a $50 note to him, he look over to his money bag, there’s enough of money in his bag, but the thing just happen unexpectedly~

He said: Did u have a bigger note?
I said: Yes, there’s a hundred dollar note~~ that’s all I have
He said: It’s all right…………. Don’t worry, enjoy your trip…
I said: Thanks~~
Before I left the tram
I said: I have seen you before, like when I am here last August~~

Then I head to China town…Why?
 Last night we have dinner at home and Maria, Jarryl mother has make a dish for us, It’s something like Beijing peeking duck~~ but he got the wrong wrapper so I am there to find a right for her…
So I asked a girl working in the restaurant and she said, we got in this restaurant…but that’s with the duck and hot… I have ask more, she taught me the way to the World Square which is located in the George Street, so I go on there and ask few more people for the location super market which selling Chinese food~~

After I find it, I go on outside and buy two box of sushi~~ it is just $5 per pack~~so I get two of them

~~ Afterwards I go on and get two postcards and stamps too!!
… That’s not yet the greatest thing of the day…
Afterwards, I get out from World Square and heading to find the bus information which the bus from Parramatta to my home (Baulkham Hill)…
a waste lots of time but I couldn’t find it!!
Before I go on to waste time, I have a great show just at the corner of George Street!! They called "The Wildhearts"

Hope that they have a longer show since they must take a break for the weather problem! It’s raining!! The sunny day with Suzanna has gone... what comes is rainy night!

Then I go on to the Monorail

because I want to have the bus information at QVB… It’s just one station between the QVB and the ????... I dun really have enough time so I just go on for a circle like
World Square à Galleries Victoria àCity Center àDarling Parkà Harbourside à Convention àPaddy's Markets àthen all the way back to World Square
finally… I could not find it so I just go down and go to the Central station to get the train to Parramatta at 1851but before that I do really want to go to toilet, but all the toilet is on un paid area… so I just ask the woman at the gate that could I go out and have a toilet~~ she say “Yes, just come back here later” so I just went out to toilet and going back on the same gate… and walk on to the western line platform…

at the platform, I meet a woman who was working at Manly, she is now a writer and she is going to publish to book (she said), then I go on board the train and sit at the top of the train… start to write this blog entry… but I did not finish it… cause I am writing this NOW at home!!

After I get off the train at Parramatta, the train is like 5mins delay so I run to the bus station… lucky I did not go to the wrong bus stop cause there’s two bus stop at the bottom and top of the train station~
When I am in the tram I type this too… like it’s a long entry today!! I do walk a long way after I get off the bus station, I do walk a long way home… it’s like 35mins walk… it shouldn’t take that long, it should be just 25mins…. But I get few wrong turns!
What’s at home? They had have steak for dinner… but I am late, so I just eating alone~!!

What’s going on Day 6??.... If there’s great weather, there will be a Golf day~~

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