Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Have been to Places


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Death Penalty??

Is it just and right to give Death Penalty
 (/Capital Punishment/Execution)?

Death Penalty is one of the oldest punishment in the world which means the executioner end a life of a criminal base on the right which given by the law. Most of the time the criminal have commit an serious crime. Although the term "serious crime" always being argue but in the country which still applying Death Penalty, in general murder with intention is one of the main reason of giving this punishment.

Nowadays, there're still 58 countries which included United State, Japan, Singapore, China, Taiwan, some of the Islam country. These countries still keep and continue executed people. 95 countries had already abandoned this kind of law. The rest of the country did not use it for more then 10 years; or just permit to give execution in war. All the members in the European Union have prohibited the use of Death Penalty according to the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 2.
People who support Death Penalty says it can reduce the number of crime and it is a good tools for police and judge, also it can make sure that the criminal can not commit any crime again which can protect and increase the security of the society.

Opponents claim the death penalty has not resiliency, if false positives, can not be relief; and death is also discriminationagainst minorities and the poor. Opponents argue that capital punishment does not deter crime more than life imprisonment, but to encourage a "violent culture", to pay more expensive than the cost oflife imprisonment and it  also violated human rights.

The intention of using Death Penalty

1)Principle of Fairness: People who consume a great lost and cost because of the action of the criminal and therefore the need to pay with there most precious asset, Life.

2)Prevention of Recidivism: The Criminal had and may have a sustained or significant risk of injury, so the community permanently excluded this risk factor id considered the best interests of the community.

3)Appear to prevent imitators: the Criminal had and may result possibility of sustained or significant damage, so use of Death Penalty can deter imitators to follow

so is it logical to use Death Penalty ?? Leave your comment on here Facebook or send me an email to let me know how do you think about it

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Selfish? Make yourself Happy now!

Sometimes people will say you're doing selfish... but actually the one who say this usually selfish himself...

Man decisions are always selfish, cause everyone decide for themselves and that's nothing but normal... Maybe sometimes people will say: you should think about others but not just yourself.but the truth is you never satisfy every single person and someone will still think you're selfish and probably you are!

Think about a CEO of the enterprise rise the salary of the employees in his company, his share holders will think he's selfish to get those claps from his employees or the society... Maybe you will say he can tale the balance point... but man are greedy... When you give them something they ask for more... You just can't balance and fixed everything they want...

Applying personal goal or own expectation to other are selfish?
People will say hey "loving others as love yourself"... The first thing come up in your mind probably will be... Give everything I like to him... These sounds nice.... You give things that what you thought it is good for him and you feel good about that too...
and is it everyone be happy for this "Love"?
If it's lucky, it do benefit someone who think the same... If not... It's gonna be poor cause he's just keep getting different expectation and thinks that he don't want...
Hmm... Sounds like the society? Cause it's happening!
Hmm... Seems so familiar? Its reality!

You never know, I never know and actually no man know the balance point cause it's changing every single second! What I will say is just do it as you will be happy... Just balance yourself and treat yourself better... What you want? Claps from your friends, employees? or from your parents, shareholders? You want both... but the reality is you can get what you want...

so sometimes make your decision fast and clear.. With your love and care means what you think you should give and have no regret!!! Just go ahead make yourself happy now!

Giving all these to you beloved one?
To someone on the street?
It is all your decision, your choice!

What is decision? Is for you to made!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What is Eternal?

I went to two photo competition recently... 
one is Cathay Pacific Connecting your world competition 
and the other one is International Students Visual Art Contest of Hong Kong
and lucky... got prizes for both competition...
a Certificate from International Students Visual Art Contest of Hong Kong
and two return Regional ticket from Hong Kong...(South_East Asia)
The bad thing is... they can't bring me to Rome or L.A. lol

so the Theme of the International Student Visual Art Contest of Hong Kong 2011 is
"Capture Eternity"
and this bring me think lot... so What is Eternal...
the photo which get this price is posted on this blog previously in the post of my Australia Trip
If you wanted to see it. Click HERE!

so What is Eternal to you?

Well in my point of view, Eternal is nothing that man could explore so...
 how can we take a photo of that cause....
Only God who is not limited by Time and Space so he could truly have eternal.

I try to imagine what is eternal with my limited knowledge and sense.
For me, nothing is eternal in the world, so how can we describe eternal?

Let's Imagine eternal is builded up by many many single strings...
They are parallel but they are not the same.
If you look into it, they have their own pattern, some of them... they don't looks like relavant,
similar or even it is independent with each other....
most of them are so weak and actually while on of it vibrates...
the other will just vibrate with it... The only different is the size of vibration.
Patter and law are exist everywhere in the nature, in the world, in every creature!
Nature, Earth, the Universe...and of cause all of us... are actually affected by this pattern, this invisible law! Could man change or have any amendment on this pattern?
or it just limit and control man FOREVER?
Just like virus get into animal and things in nature change....
man make Global Warming... and the WHOLE nature change....

so What do you think about Eternal? send me emails or post on my Facebook fan page or even twitter me!!... You can find all the stuff on the bar up there!!
Can't wait to hear from you!!
and one more thing.... can anyone suggest where to go in East_Asia 
with Cathay Pacific or Dragon Air!
give me some information... Please!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mid-Autumn Festival

Should be World Youth Day Post for the coming month but a little interrupt by Mid-Autumn Festival~

Mid-Autumn Festival is an East-Asia traditional festival, it started in China at 15 August
(Lunar Calendar, also known as traditional Chinese Calendar)

According to the China Lunar Calendar, August is the second month of Autumn, so that's why the festival has named Mid-Autumn Festival. but it's also known as Qiu XiBa Yuejie, August half month evening, May Day.
and because at the Mid-Autumn Festival the moon is full, it is a symbol of reunion, it also called the festival of reunion (Tuan Yuanjie)
Funny Fact: By the impact of Chinese Culture, 
Mid-Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival of Japan, Vietnam,  North and South Korea...
When it start?
Mid-Autumn Festival are first recored at about Chow Dynasty to Warring State Period in China which is about at the year B.C.1100-771 but it did not said which day in August it is.
Although people celebrate and get together for a very long time 
and it became a fixed festival at Dong Dynasty (A.D. 618-907)

There are many variants and adaptations of the legend of Chang'e that frequently contradict each other. However, most versions of the legend involve some variation of the following elements: Houyi, the Archer, an emperor, either benevolent or malevolent, and an elixir of life

Back to Modern, The next day of Mid-Autumn Festival is a public Holiday of Hong Kong and Macau. In Taiwan Mid-Autumn Festival is a Holiday but if it overlap with Saturday or Sunday, it's not another holiday. 
but if the weekly rest day holidays were only separated by one, the day is a holiday tune, and choose another Saturday to make up classes.
Start from 2008, Mid-Autumn Festival is a Statutory holidays in Mainland China.
and there're three day of holiday in Korea.

If you want to know more about the story, you may go to this website

Friday, September 9, 2011

Introduction of WYD/JMJ

so What is WYD and How does it start?

World Youth Day is a youth-oriented Catholic Church event. While the event itself celebrates the Catholic faith, the invitation to attend extends to all youth, regardless of religious convictions.World Youth Day is not associated with International Youth Day or any of the international observance days.
World Youth Day (or in short 'WYD') was initiated by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1985. It is celebrated diocesan level annually, and at a week-long international level every two to three years at different locations. The international level events attract hundreds of thousands of youth from almost every country on the planet. It is a major part of the upsurge in Catholic Youth Work in some countries over recent years; for example, the Director of Catholic Youth Services for England and Wales has said of the event that it would have far-reaching effects, not restricted to those who attended.[2]
The Patron Saint of World Youth Days is Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Since his beatification, Pope John Paul II, who started the event, has become its co-patron.
What do World Youth Day Want to do?
1) Spread hope to the young:
World Youth Day brings together youth of the world's festivaltoday is a young man's self-confidence and strength to bring back a good way to church.

2) Assembly
World Youth Day World Youth is not just a simple assemblybut also a youth to the worldthe opportunity to spread the truthIt is a call to youth of the world to come togetherunitedas one people.

3) The name of humanity as a whole
Change and unite all people in the 21st century is still a miracle. International events butalso can bring more hope to bring more fear (such as fundamentalism, nationalism andother new escalation of the conflict). Churches and Christians that they can avoid certain extent, terrorist attacks, but also to guide each individual to find their own direction and hope.
What are the Diocesan of previous years?

Diocesan level celebrations (celebrated on Palm Sunday each year)
March 23, 1986Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you. (1 Pt 3:15)
March 27, 1988Do whatever he tells you. (Jn 2:5)
April 8, 1990I am the vine, you are the branches. (Jn 15:5)
April 12, 1992Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. (Mk 16:15)
March 27, 1994As the Father sent me, so am I sending you. (Jn 20: 21)
March 31, 1996Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (Jn 6:68)
April 5, 1998The Holy Spirit will teach you all things. (cf. Jn 14:26 )
March 28, 1999The Father loves you. (cf. Jn 16:27)
April 8, 2001If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. (Lk 9:23)
April 13, 2003Behold, your mother! (Jn 19:27)
April 4, 2004We wish to see Jesus. (Jn 12:21)
April 9, 2006Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. (Ps 119:105)
April 1, 2007Just as I have loved you; you also should love one another. (Jn 13:34)
April 5, 2009We have set our hope on the Living God. (1 Tim 4:10)[24]
March 28, 2010Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? (Mk 10:17)[24]
April 01, 2012Rejoice in the Lord Always (Philip 4:4)

Logo of World Youth Day 2011 Madrid.
JMJ is the short form of World Youth Day in Spanish!

Reference: Wikipedia
Official Site of World Youth Day

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sorry for the inconvenient to make this site better!!!

You may find out that when you get into my site,
you have been transfer to a Advertisement!!
That can help me to work this site better but sorry for the inconvenient!!
Just simply click Skip Ad at the right top corner after 5second then you may get back here again!!
so please come over and check this out!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What's on World Youth Day??

Like dozens of people asking me, so I will post it on like partly to here...

to let you know how's World Youth Day looks like... and some introduction....

I will update soon...!!!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

WYD! Get set, Ready, GO!!!!

I'm leaving on 6th August! That's mean tomorrow!!
I'm taking the flight from Hong Kong to Zurich than all the way to Barcelona!!
The Flights are operated by Swiss international airline.

Where we are going?
Our flight is at night and we'll arrive Barcelona in the morning about 7
Then we leave our luggage at the places we live and all the way to the great attraction!!!
First we'll go to the

As Saint Paul said
Let's us go! Try and do our best!

so Where I'm going?

For me since there're no direct flight from Hong Kong to Madrid, It's really hard for us to choose a best route and best airline.

I'm going to take Swiss International Airlines and have a transit at Zurich

For most of my trip, It's all start from a Flight.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

WYD Madrid, Spain to bring list~~ (Update 2)

...There's lots of things to prepare for World Youth Day (WYD/JMJ)!...
I did not pack a thing yet : p
Let's see what should prepare...

Religious Items:
  1. Bible (Old & New Testament, Digital?)
  2. Spiritual Reading Books
  3. Rosary Beads
  4. Pilgrim's Handbook (Missal, songs...)
  1. Tissue Paper
  2. 2 Towels... (and 1 more in advanced for sweat!!)
  3. Toothpaste &Toothbrush
  4. Shampoo & Soap 
  5. (Pack in Bagge!! Since the liquid volume in the airport has restricted to 100ml)
  6. (European go there through inter-rail are off-limit)
  7. Comp
  8. Nail Clipper (Pack in Luggage- International Aviation Rules)
  9. Hm....Laundry paper...for washing cloths when I leave the Center or for places you live (hostels, schools, sports ground etc...) without laundry equipment such as HEAVY washing powder!!
  1. Casual Clothing for 8days (and 2days in advance) with WYD Polo Shirts &at least 1 Shirt in case needed
  2. Long Trousers (in case of formal meeting and Mass!-You need a Long Trouser for Church and Cathedral)!
  3. Sport Shoes!
  4. Tie and Jacket or Sweater (it will be cool on mountains and night)
  5. Sleeping Bag
Personal Items:
  1. ...local money (EUR)...about 350-580 or as needed about the Duration of your stay
    • For my situation: I'm going for 3 weeks
  2. Local Identification Card (i.e. Hong Kong Identity Card)
  3. Passport!!
    • Copy of Passport (incase of emergency)
    • Copy of Travel Insurance document
    • Medical Certificate (if any medicine allergies)
    • Simple Medicine
    • Water Bottle
    • Umbrella (incase of bad raining)
    • Sleeping bag...(There'll be days sleeping on floor)
    • Material for inflight entertainment
      • just for me... since I can't sleep on any flight...no matter long haul or short.
    • one or two more book(s) for reading leisurely
    • a Torch...
      • for me...iPhone could do that
    • Things... for exchange with other WYD participants
      • I won't exchange shirt.... it gonna be lots of sweat during that period in Spain...
      • maybe cross or other... need to be prepare
      • 3WYD shirt...include the diocese and Sui Wo one...
    •  Chopsticks or other equipment for eating...(personal)
      • Visa Document for places needed to register (i.e. China)
      • Chargers for your electronic device (mobile)
      • Pens
      • Camera (take photos with bishops and pope~)
      • Radio and Earphones to know the Live information at there!! - Thanks Thomas for your advice!
      • Converting Adaptor!! (For people not using the Europe type)!
      • Plastic Bags (for wet and dirty cloths which await for wash)
      • After all, remember to bring a Sun Glasses and Sun Screen for hot and shiny weather in Spain!;
        • and of cause... your heart and spirit which is prepared!!!
          any others things to bring... leave me a comment~~
          I'll update this after commentS

          Before this end, lets see what will be include in the WYD bag pack for participant!!!
          It is to tally free and lots of nice stuff in it!!

          P.s. If you need a Google+ invitation, just sent me an email to [email protected] and ask : )
          If you like this blog entry, please press the small buttons below this entry and share it with your friendS : )

          How to forget someone fast?

          It takes me forever(a long period) to forget someone I used to love even if the relationship lasted for a long period of time. You might think that I am emotionally strong or that i am an exception but the truth is that I suffered for more than a year after my first breakup and then after reading about love’s psychology I developed some kind of immunity to breakups.
          ...maybe english will be better...let's put it into Google Translate
          Obviously did not have before, but feel the loss of taste.
          Obviously not close before, but felt from far away.
          Obviously did not tell the truth before, but feel they have been refused.
          Obviously did not fight too, but feel they have been defeated.
          Obviously did not pay off, but it felt a waste of effort.
          Obviously not a sword pierce the heart, but my heart will not feel complete, but apart.
          If the mood to tell you feel troubled by it? 
          Will you understand my feelings?
          Will you accept me?
          Or so the distance between us farther?
          I know the percentage of failure is high, so I did not dare try.
          Also never thought that from happening. But they want to know your mind.
          Can you have some heart-pounding feeling because of me?
          Can you tell me I appear before you in mind? Did you know?
          If I have occupy the time you heart for 60 seconds.. I am pleased to see.
          Could you tell me did you never like me?
          No matter a week, a day or a second... ...
          I may not have any answer(s) until the end of my life! and you do not know my feelings, I do not know how you feel. I am painfully in love with you in the dark.
          You have crush on someone else's, will capture this feeling. Mute silence to eat it.
          I know that if you dun say anything, you'll have no answers and you'll be half dead like zombies.
          In fact, really a little abuse themselves. Why do not the bitterness of the heart to tell him / her?
          Perhaps, he / she will understand. Even for real only when you are friends, if you are a true friend, he / she will not avoid you. So you get relief. Well better than to make their own regret.
          Now take your courage to tell him / her: "I love you." "As long as he / she being on the line." I do not believe this old-fashioned theory. Look at him / her together with others, do you really sincerely happy for them? Is it in your heart, do not pressure children jealousy?
          Please, do not own as a saint. However, the confession of a large object is before the embankment is single. Or you may destroy the happiness of others has become the culprit. 
          P.s. If you need a Google+ invitation, just sent me an email to [email protected] and ask : )
          and If you like it, plz share this toy our friend by the link buttons below~

          Wednesday, July 27, 2011

          Busy Summer~

          Summer Holiday has start for about 3 weeks already!
          and I'm having lessons for days~..... what is it?...
          The topic of the class is : Philosophy and Theological Roots of the Liturgy (PATROL)...
          sounds like so difficult? It was not actually.

          Talk about it?

          It's all about questions of Catholicism, some argument.
          The lesson make me know more about and let me confirm that Catholic is the true faith instead of others. (at least not protestant)

          Great time in here... lessons are on Monday-Saturday (except Tuesday)...
          Why there's no lessons on Tuesday? Tuesday is the day for excursion!!!
          Lots of fun... like Ocean Park on the first excursion:

          Tuesday, May 31, 2011

          Updated delay...

          Maybe you will wonder why I have not yet updated my blog....
          actually exams is coming... so the blog weekly updated will be delay till to the end of exams...
          sorry for the inconvenience! Hope will see you guys soon!!!

          Friday, May 20, 2011

          Issue No.1

          Overpopulation or Lack of population ?

          Why this?... In our Religious Studies and Ethics lessons,
          we are talking about marriage and it brings to population.

          so everyone know that, there's is plenty of water all the time.... but they are in Ocean~
          so Fresh-water...which mean water we could drink...Hmmm....just 3% of water world...
          and in this 3%... the surface water.... is like 0.9% in this 3%! In this 0.9%,
          more than 85% is from Lake... so actually...
          we do use underground water. It take 30.1% of our Fresh water...
          and Yes... we have icecaps and Glaciers... it contains lots of water!!!
          so could earth handle more population than now?
          Human being is destroying the world and the resources are being used up soon as predicted.
          Look at this poster: dun go over the small words... make an action to world population.
          mean having birth, or don't?
          Maybe we should let time to prove it!

          and...do anyone here about the 21 May dooms day?
          We are at 21 May American......
          maybe it just not gonna happen...LoL
          wait for 2012?.....

          Wednesday, May 18, 2011


          Sorry for late updating!!!
          Since I dun really got all of the photos for the week...because of Shyle~~~
          so what gonna start the week for u???

          It'a news latter from Discovery Channel.. why?? since I saw you guys "eat" you pen sometimes:

          They got different colors and flavor...you might click on the image to enlarge it:

          beside the edge of the pen... even the ink you might eat it!!!

          Then bring you to Thursday...
          Thursday is our 10th Anniversary
          We have invited he sixth Bishop of Hong Kong. Joseph Zen, S.D.B.

          ....Having the First Reading... It's the First book of Kings.
          It really make me nervous....it's like talking front of 1000people!

          all of us have photos afterward...(Altar, reader.....lots more)

          Friday... Having BBQ at Tai Wai at Night~~ This is Chinese BBQ....

          at least Hong Kong Style... we dun really use the huge BBQ.... thing with gas...
          we do it with Charcoal and cook by ourselves...

          ....Saturday... having a Talk at Chinese University of Hong Kong
          He is Fr. R.Spitzer.. He tries to explain Faith in Science!
          He is really great... Maybe you should hear about his talk. He might lead you to another view in Church!

          and it's our Tak Sun Family Fun Day..not like Redfield,
          Kindergarten and primary is at one place...
          and Secondary is at another.... a bit far...
          and this is our wind band!

          then I go to museum.... they are having the Pixar exhibition....
          they are celebrating the 25th Anniversary

          They dun let us to take photos in the exhibition...
          but still take a snap illegally for u!!!~~

          still another exhibition beside at another Hall...
          It's a world Poster show.
          The poster which at below it's talking about how a man in China look
          Your eye are fine... and the focus of the camera are fine....
          so they are saying people at China could just look for money......
          other... are blur~~

          Although kids are running around...
          but it's still all good~!!!

          I will update this weekly... and sorry for updating too low this time... 
          due to many factors~~ sorry again for updating this late!!!
          If you Like my blog, just simply press "Like" at the side bar with your Facebook account!!
          see you guys next week!!!
          or even just press it here: